Matrix Overviews for Mobilization

Mobilization occurs in response to a perceived crisis and crystallizes around certain identifiable results. Each type of mobilization is a Triad based on three adjacent types of political responsibility. Mobilizing for results-CG3 has two features that distinguish it sharply from recognizing responsibility-CG1 and doing political work-CG2:

  • Mobilizing demands a self-interested attitude: i.e. it occurs on behalf of people thinking of themselves and their values, or of groups looking to increase their strength, or of organizations serving the mission of their members.
  • Mobilizing involves direct action and complex activities: so it requires proper organizing and funding, supported by expert advice.

These matrices contain some additional material.

The first matrix provides some easy to recognize features for identification:

Driver of Mobilization Typical Feature Communication
(Ls 7-5)
Righting of Wrongs Unity, non-violence, perseverance. Message of hope.
e.g. «we will overcome»
(Ls 6-4)
Moral Crusade Intense belief and forcefulness: 
Dogmatic demand.
e.g. «stop all drug-testing on live animals—or else!»
(Ls 5-3)
Popular Commitment Simple, specific & very brief action
e.g. vote, donation
Slogan or pithy phrase
e.g. «change we can believe in»
(Ls 4-2)
Social Measure Practical recommendations Timely, targeted program.
e.g. steps that deal with a worsening epidemic.
(Ls 3-1)
Victory Strategy Enticed cooperation & efforts to coerce capitulation Playing to win.
e.g. «our non-negotiable demands include X, Y & Z»

This next matrix contains additional material and looks at the formal features. Details of the internal structure, examples and common problems are not repeated: review Drivers of Mobilization here.

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Driver of Mobilization Function The Mobilizer & The Mobilized Requirements
for Success
(Ls 7-5)
Righting of Wrongs To unite and strengthen an affected group by articulating right and wrong, despite widespread resistance to change in wider society. Charismatic Leader
sufferers + sympathizers
Leader's home institution provides backing, organization and publicity; sufferers tolerate the unacceptable and have faith in non-violent protest; moral outrage attracts sympathetic outsiders.
(Ls 6-4)
Moral Crusade To use the deepest convictions of a section of society to stop the infliction of social harm: actual or potential. Natural leader
true believers
Life-defining ideological commitment; backing from within the establishment; passion, combativeness and a readiness to force issues by using illegal measures.
(Ls 5-3)
Popular Commitment To demonstrate existing values in a specific, personal and responsible way that has a socio-political effect when many others act similarly. Campaign organizer
target public
Engage many people on an intrinsically popular and timely issue; effective organization, management and funding; use of volunteers and possibly expert consultants.
(Ls 4-2)
Social Measure To reassure the relevant public that their concern is being seriously addressed by the responsible entity (or entities). Political leaders &/or top executive
bureaucracy-based managers and experts.
Speed and decisiveness in appraising and responding; command of specialist expertise; commitment of extra resources; providing continuing reports of progress as long as needed.
(Ls 3-1)
Victory Strategy To marshal a group to persuade an official in wider society to choose in accord with the group's interests, and not choose in ways damaging to the group. Chief Executive
group members with influence and contacts
+ self-interested supporters.
Put group on a war-footing; develop a comprehensive, well-informed, well-funded strategy; use good legal advice; activate pressure, sources of funds, lobbying, diplomacy, favours and media advocacy.


Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 15-Nov-2010